This Easter Bunny fellow seems pretty shifty to me. I mean, here’s a rabbit who makes his living hiding eggs from children. Seriously … what kind of career is that? Can you imagine how embarrassed his parents are? And what they tell their friends and neighbors?
‘Well, yes, Steven is actually working as The Easter Bunny. We tried to convince him to go into civil engineering or law – or something more practical like Community Organizing. But he insisted that he had a “higher calling” to be The Easter Bunny. All his brothers and sisters have Master’s Degrees or PhD’s and successful careers, you know? I guess he’s just destined to be the rogue of the family. Maybe if his father had been around more instead of spending so much time in Farmer McGregor’s garden? It’s hard on a boy to not have his father’s guidance. Or maybe we shouldn’t have babied him so much when he was a kit. He was the youngest of 26, though – and I knew he would be my last … it was hard not to coddle him. Ah, well, we do enjoy having him still living at home with us after all these years … mostly.’
I mean, come on! Even Bachmann has a better 5 year plan. What would parents say if they knew ‘Steven the Easter Bunny’ lives in the basement of his parents’ house and spends most of the year building model forts? They probably wouldn’t be so keen to let their little darlings accept candy, colored eggs and gifts from him, would they? So I’m keeping an eye out for him … for the children.
Happy Easter from Beard to Beard. Thank you for your support.