As you can clearly see, the past two weeks have taken a toll on me, both personally and professionally. To hear the whole sordid mess, you’ll have to read Mama Dog’s blog. But here’s what she left out …
While Daddy and Mama Dog were jetting off to exotic Midland, TX and the Little Miracles were living plush at Granny Carolyn’s house … I had to stay with Doot, The Grandpa and Cousin Tootsie. It wasn’t exotic. It wasn’t plush. In fact, the only fun I had was scaring Tootsie by jumping on her when she came into a room. It was doubly rewarding because, in addition to her squeals of terror, she always peed a little and got in trouble with Doot.
I did manage to gain a precious few winter pounds because Doot often “forgot” to feed Tootsie. Now, it might be possible that she actually fed Tootsie, but Tootsie didn’t eat her food for hours, leaving it to become stale and inedible. And it also might be possible that I, in trying to be an appreciative, thoughtful and frugal houseguest, may have occasionally eaten the abandoned food. I didn’t want poor, hapless Cousin Tootsie to accidentally ingest such questionable fare. It’s even possible that Tootsie thanked me for saving her from indigestion. Of course, it’s also possible that Tootsie just isn’t very smart or quick and, well, you know the old adage … you snooze you don’t get to eat your food because I’m hungry and I’ll eat it first. Or something to that effect. In any case, Doot fed her later, while she was in her crate, while I slept out. Ha ha ha.
So. After 3 days away from home, my Companions and The Family Bed, you can imagine what a shambles everything was in when I finally returned. All the Companions were in disarray, The Family Bed had entirely lost it’s comforting musky aroma and I have spent the past two weeks trying to put things back to normal. I’ll be giving you a full and detailed report next week, but as for now, I’m deeply, deeply tired. Good day.