I thought it might be a good idea to inform you, my adoring public, that I have been undergoing some health issues lately, which have kept me away from the blog.
I have been experiencing problems with my back, which (according to Dr. Todd) may or may not be indicative of a more serious problem which may or may not require surgical intervention, and/or may or may not result in the loss of use in my haunch region. Honestly, Dr. Todd is just FONT of helpful and specific information.
Basically, what happened was this: I tried to alert Mama Dog that I was ready to go out for my morning constitution before breakfast. As I was gesticulating (because she is quite deaf to my cries of hunger in the morning, it seems) I wrenched a tender spot in my back, causing pain and temporary spasm in the muscular tissue of my lower half. She completely freaked out, called the vet and took away all things good and fun in my life.
I was immediately put to bed and given medicinal cheese. That part isn’t so terrible. She rubbed some smelly essential oils on my feet and my back. I would never tell her this, but the oils and the massage helped with the pain … but the smell was still very weird. Bachmann mentioned the odor repeatedly. Every time I had to go outside to conduct *business* – she or Daddy Dog carried me. And watched me. Rude. And this turned out not to be some ‘one day only’ type of thing …
It’s been a few weeks and I’m still not allowed to do anything I like to do. No jumping on the furniture — even when the sun is beaming in on the couch and I’m in desperate need of recharging. No going out on the back porch … unless someone carries me. No working with my Companions unless being closely supervised (ie. watched like a hawk) by Mama Dog, Daddy Dog, or one of the Children. It’s so limiting.
I continue to get the medicinal cheese, which is good, though very small in dosage. And they continue to apply the stinky oils to my feet daily, which Bachmann continues to complain about. And apparently, I’m not a *cooperative* little dog, because now, they have started blocking my access to furniture completely with what they refer to as “baby rails.” Honestly, I jumped onto my favorite perch the other morning and you would have thought I sprouted horns and a forked tail … Mama and Daddy Dog raced into the family room and removed me from my spot, scolded me and next thing I know – BAM! – blockades on all the furniture.
They never leave me alone now, either. I mean, I am supervised all the time. If someone has to leave the house, they make sure someone is left at home to monitor my activity. (Which is part of the reason I’ve been offline so long … how am I supposed to get any quality work done with people watching me all the time?!) If Mama and Daddy Dog both have to go out, they leave Big Kid home. He’s not so bad, I guess … I can usually get him to lift me onto the couch where he sits watching television or playing one of his ‘games’. Still, I miss my privacy a great deal.
I’ve been told I am a good dog. I’ve been told I’m so sweet and precious and that everyone loves me. But I’ll be honest … it feels very much like they want Georgie to suffer from boredom and lack of activity. I smell Dr. Todd’s quackery all over this. Especially since this whole *treatment* thing has also started to involve fewer treats, reduced food portions and an overall *weight loss protocol* that is supposed to reduce the stress on my spine. Uh huh … Dr. Todd and his hatred of the Irish-Viking Dachshund continues …
Now … Mama Dog claims this is a temporary situation. She says I am going to be traveling to the university veterinary college where I will undergo an evaluation by a neurologist, and possibly a CT scan and second examination by an orthopedic surgeon. She says this will lead to me being able to resume my normal activities. She says a lot of stuff while she’s barricading me from my favorite places to climb and blocking me from the back porch steps and carting me in and out of the house to go pee, which is just humiliating. Most of what she says is “for my own good,” and I’m getting pretty tired of hearing that crap. All this ‘for my own good’ business is leaving me … disgruntled.
So. There you have it. The sad tale of my existence these days. Confined to ground level, monitored every minute and prohibited from fun and excitement. The only thing I have going for me these days is that I get to ‘sleep out’ at night and am no longer confined in my crate. But the couch is still off limits and they always leave the remotes for the TV up there so I can’t even watch my favorite programs after everyone else has gone to bed. Plus, Mama Dog always puts this stinky stuff in her essential oil diffuser at night that she says will help me relax and rest during the night. All I’ve been doing lately is rest and relax! But it does serve as a nightlight and I can see to supervise some of my Companions if I’m quiet and remember to put everyone and everything back exactly as it was before Mama Dog gets up in the morning. And if I remember to act really tired and weak when she comes into the family room. That sure makes her agreeable, when she thinks I’m all stiff and sore from my ‘condition’. Ha ha ha. Georgie still has a few tricks up her sleeve!
I will try to keep you posted, gentle readers, on my progress with physical therapy, medication and the like. I believe Mama Dog has been keeping her readers updated on my condition on her social media account, but I wouldn’t know, as, again, I am locked out of most of my technology because it requires more physicality that I’m allowed at this time. But I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and good wishes. And, as always, I thank you for your support.