In all my years of study and scholarly pursuits, I have yet to find a satisfactory explanation for the existence of cats. Or fat-free cheese. Truth be told, I’ve really never understood the human fascination with fat-free anything. As any dachshund can tell you, the flavor is in the Continue Reading
Beaver Tales by Bachmann
But first, a note from Georgie … You are all familiar with my most notorious Companion, Bachmann Beaver. Well, he’s been hounding me so much lately about telling his tales that I’ve finally relented and given him his own column on the blog. I didn’t proofread or edit his work so Continue Reading
The View From the Family Bed
Life in the Family Bed can be hectic. Sometimes, I like to kick back with a puzzle and relax. But with all those Companions – well, it’s a challenge. I like to think that I’m equitable with the love and nurturing care I offer my Companions and that I don’t Continue Reading
A Little Known Fact
While traveling in Egypt, Irish architect Onchu Mac Canaan was excited to have the opportunity to meet Imohtep, the multi-talented Egyptian whose reputation as a gifted healer, priest, scientist and architect had long been the subject of the Irishman’s admiration. Mac Canaan met the Vizier at a potential building site Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
Because of my rare and somewhat overpowering musk issue (brought on by an allergy/fungus situation which I won’t go into at this time), it has been deemed necessary by “Management” that I bathe twice a week with a “special” shampoo. The Family Bed is required to be washed once a week, Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
You may not be aware, gentle readers, that I am known in certain circles as Ar the Sun Dog. It’s an honorary title for the most part – bestowed upon me by an ancient Beaver Culture, the remnants of which make their home just outside Sheboygen. They don’t worship me or Continue Reading
The View From the Family Bed
On this visit to the Family Bed I’m introducing you to El Monterey, a rare Mexican moose. He prefers to be called Montey, though, so I humor him. Here we are, Montey and I, after one of our ‘sessions’. It’s important to rest and restore ourselves after such exertion. Montey Continue Reading
A Little Known Fact
Irishman Duncan O’Flanagan longed for a peaceful, quiet life. During his career as a soldier of fortune, he had seen enough violence and bloodshed and now he was ready to retire and fulfill his lifelong dream of running his own bakery. He excitedly opened Duncan’s Dough Hut in the small Irish Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
This Easter Bunny fellow seems pretty shifty to me. I mean, here’s a rabbit who makes his living hiding eggs from children. Seriously … what kind of career is that? Can you imagine how embarrassed his parents are? And what they tell their friends and neighbors? ‘Well, yes, Steven Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
Last fall, I noticed these weird mounds of dirt with holes in the center showing up in my yard. I heard the Mama Dog tell the Daddy Dog that “those damn gophers” had come back. She was really mad. In my capacity as Yard Supervisor, I immediately launched an official Continue Reading