Friends, you simply cannot imagine how harrowing and difficult the past few weeks have been for me. And so I will tell you, in great detail. I was born in the Gulag, to a poor peasant dachshund. In spite of my humble – impoverished, even – circumstances, I overcame my indigence to become Continue Reading
The View From the Family Bed
The view from the Family Bed is rarely a peaceful one. As is so often the case, Bachmann has made himself a nuisance in The Family Bed once again. Over the past weeks, since before Thanksgiving, he’s been causing all sorts of trouble for the other Companions and for me. His porky Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
Well. Clearly I have been absent from the blog for some time. I wish I had a good excuse, but the truth is that my humans are just selfish, selfish people who do not consider my needs, or the needs of my subscribers. I apologize, dear readers, for the terrible loss you’ve Continue Reading
A Public Service Announcement From Georgie
It is raining and cool in my portion of the world again today. This time of year generally brings warm sunbeams in which I can bask, but this year, I’m experiencing a decided lack of bask-worthy options. Because of this unseasonably cool, wet weather, I am in great need of a Continue Reading
The View From the Family Bed
When I opened The Family Bed Education, Rehabilitation and Training Center, it was with the particular goal of providing a nurturing, enriching environment in which to instruct my Companions. Over the years, I have trained countless Companions – shaping them into upstanding, productive members of society. Many of them have gone on to Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
In all my years of study and scholarly pursuits, I have yet to find a satisfactory explanation for the existence of cats. Or fat-free cheese. Truth be told, I’ve really never understood the human fascination with fat-free anything. As any dachshund can tell you, the flavor is in the Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
You may not be aware, gentle readers, that I am known in certain circles as Ar the Sun Dog. It’s an honorary title for the most part – bestowed upon me by an ancient Beaver Culture, the remnants of which make their home just outside Sheboygen. They don’t worship me or Continue Reading
A Little Known Fact
Irishman Duncan O’Flanagan longed for a peaceful, quiet life. During his career as a soldier of fortune, he had seen enough violence and bloodshed and now he was ready to retire and fulfill his lifelong dream of running his own bakery. He excitedly opened Duncan’s Dough Hut in the small Irish Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
This Easter Bunny fellow seems pretty shifty to me. I mean, here’s a rabbit who makes his living hiding eggs from children. Seriously … what kind of career is that? Can you imagine how embarrassed his parents are? And what they tell their friends and neighbors? ‘Well, yes, Steven Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
Last fall, I noticed these weird mounds of dirt with holes in the center showing up in my yard. I heard the Mama Dog tell the Daddy Dog that “those damn gophers” had come back. She was really mad. In my capacity as Yard Supervisor, I immediately launched an official Continue Reading