I thought it might be a good idea to inform you, my adoring public, that I have been undergoing some health issues lately, which have kept me away from the blog. I have been experiencing problems with my back, which (according to Dr. Todd) may or may not be indicative of a more Continue Reading
Justice For Georgie
Friends, you simply cannot imagine how harrowing and difficult the past few weeks have been for me. And so I will tell you, in great detail. I was born in the Gulag, to a poor peasant dachshund. In spite of my humble – impoverished, even – circumstances, I overcame my indigence to become Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
Well, it is January, and I, along with many other Irish-Viking Dachshund Americans are starting the new year with the idea of being healthier. My promise to myself, and my Companions, was to spend 2016 trying to exercise more, eat more nutritiously, and generally take better care of myself. Of course, my loyal Companions were eager Continue Reading
The View From the Family Bed
The view from the Family Bed is rarely a peaceful one. As is so often the case, Bachmann has made himself a nuisance in The Family Bed once again. Over the past weeks, since before Thanksgiving, he’s been causing all sorts of trouble for the other Companions and for me. His porky Continue Reading
A Public Service Announcement From Georgie
I’m not one to belabor a point. Really, I try to say what needs to be said and move on. I simply do not have the time to spend on rehashing, revisiting, reiterating or otherwise continuing to yammer on about a subject once it has been discussed. However … It Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
Well. Clearly I have been absent from the blog for some time. I wish I had a good excuse, but the truth is that my humans are just selfish, selfish people who do not consider my needs, or the needs of my subscribers. I apologize, dear readers, for the terrible loss you’ve Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
This week, Mama Dog devoted an entire post to me on her blog. As is my due. Being a generous, thoughtful, considerate, selfless, loving dog – I want to say a few words about her as well. Where to begin … Well, for starters, she never lets me out in Continue Reading
Beaver Tales by Bachmann
A note from Georgie: As much as it gives me pause to do so, I have consented to let Bachmann take another turn at having his own column on the blog. I do not suppose that much of what he’s about to tell you is the truth – he’s a Continue Reading
Georgie Speaks
I realize it’s been some time since my Independence Day post. I have been struggling with such fatigue and have found it most difficult to manage both my duties within the Family Bed and my obligations to you, gentle readers. Additionally, my Mama Dog has been in desperate need of a Social Secretary Continue Reading
An Independence Day Little Known Fact
Happy Independence Day. Or as we Irish Dachshunds call it, Tim Murphy Day. For surely this Irish frontiersman, this colonial sharpshooter, this ragged rebel serving under Daniel Morgan has done a service as integral to secure the birth of this Great Nation as any Founding Father. Tim Murphy fearlessly and without hesitation Continue Reading